Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Social Bookmarking

Social Bookmarking is a great tool to use, especially in education. Social bookmarking is a way to save all of the web pages that you are interested in in one specific spot. Not only do programs, like Delicious, organize your favorite web pages in one place, but they also share your links with others! This is a great way to collaborate on sources to use for a group paper, expand others perspectives, and learn more yourself!

In schools, I can see Delicious being useful in the sense that the teacher can create a Delicious account for the class and post any relevant, clarifying information. Also, the students can contribute to the list of web pages by adding what they have found on their own. I think this would be a good way for students to get a better understanding of certain topics.

Click here to get a better understanding of Social Bookmarking and see what uses it serves.